
“Fifth Grader Mandarin Proficiency,” winner of The Sewanee Review 2021 Nonfiction Contest

“Arcade Neophytes,” winner of the Fractured Lit 2022 Anthology Contest

“Hello, Boar—You Must Be Hungry” in The Southern Review

Learning from Counternarratives in Teach For America, published by Peter Lang. Featured in NPR Code Switch, Jacobin Magazine, Rethinking Schools Magazine


“As He Ages” in Pleiades

“Kumquat Taxonomy” in Beloit Poetry Journal

Featured in the San Francisco Asian Art Museum’s 2023 Bernice Bing: Open Call Exhibit

“Inventory,” “Please Give Your Fundraiser a Title—” in The Seventh Wave


Reviews in The Munro Review, The Munro Review’s Top 20 Cultural Events of 2020, Kings River Life, Fresno Rogue Festival, Lighthouse Fellowship


“Marginalia” in The Sewanee Review’s Conglomerate

Ghostwritten and edited pieces in Forbes, pv magazine USA, Greentech Media, Renewable Energy World